BLAZE Dispatch

Dispatch Application

The client

BLAZE Dispatch, manage delivery zones, drivers, members, past present, and future orders.

The goal

Provide an intuitive platform to allow dispensaries to manage their dispatch needs. Live inventory tracking along with a full spectrum of features allows dispatchers to easily assign an order to a member and view critical data.

Member Information

Handling orders has never been easier. Searching existing members provides valuable information like expired recs or licenses, validation on the delivery address, and even schedule future orders.

Live Inventory

Dispatchers are able to search for products by name or category and view important data like THC and quantity avail. Recent Purchases, Discounts, Rewards & Promotions are just a few features BLAZE Dispatch offers.

The Outcome

Components for the style system has been prepared and sent off for development. Beta testing will resume shortly.

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