Grow Harvest App

App Design

The client

BLAZEā„¢ Grow, cultivation software system, to track plants, harvests, package creation, processing, and inventory; as well as product intake and sale.

The goal

Provide an easy way to organize and manage cannabis cultivation operations. Synchronize and update state track and trace systems like Metrc. Create Harvests in offline mode for grow ops in areas that do not have internet access. Provide useful information on plantings when scanned.

The Grow App

The tedious tasks of creating a harvest from plantings have never been easier. This Draft mode allows you to create a harvest in an easy to use, iterative process that is safe and works offline for those places that do not have internet access.

Plant Lookup

By simply taking a picture of a plant tag, our system will provide valuable data and action items based on the current stage of the planting. Quickly and easily organize and manage your grow op with BLAZE Grow!

The Outcome

This app is currently in development.

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